
Towards X Futures

Information Systems and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

We are dedicated to exploring the potential for sustainable futures through digital innovation (x futures).

Digital technology plays a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable society. We still have much to learn about the interplay between digital technology and sustainable transformation.

With a focus on the socio-economic aspects of digital ecosystems, we gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between digital innovators and entrepreneurs, data, and knowledge as drivers of change. We guide individuals and organizations in positioning themselves for  "x futures".

Join us on our journey Towards X Futures.

 Fri, 30. Aug. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Exciting New Master Projects for Winter 2024/2025!

This winter, the University of Duisburg-Essen introduces three exciting master project courses designed to tackle pressing societal issues through digital innovation. Two of these projects will be in collaboration with prominent...
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 Wed, 28. Aug. 2024   Rothe, Prof. Dr. Hannes

New Editorial Roles at top IS journals

Prof. Rothe takes new editorial roles at European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Information Systems Journal (ISJ), and Electronic Markets (EM)
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 Mon, 26. Aug. 2024   Rothe, Prof. Dr. Hannes

Building Bridges: a context-sensitive platform to empower Girls* of Color

We are happy to announce a BMBF-funded interdisciplinary research project aimed at empowering and mentoring girls* of color from the 10th grade onward.
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 Wed, 21. Aug. 2024   Rothe, Hannes

Student assistant / research aid (WHK) positions (f/d/m) at Chair & Place Beyond Bytes

We are looking for a student assistant / research aid (d / f / m) at  Place Beyond Bytes in Duisburg-Ruhrort or Chair in Essen. These tasks are to be expected: Support in research on health data, and participation in PLACE...
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 Wed, 24. Jul. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Register for our upcoming workshops for all UDE members!

Our workshops offer all UDE members the opportunity to gain new skills in the time between terms from our expert team! Visit our three-day workshops at the Place Beyond Bytes and build a foundation in programming with Python and...
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 Tue, 21. Mar. 2023   Rothe, Hannes

Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms

New publication in Information Systems Research
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