Towards X Futures

Information Systems and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

We are dedicated to exploring the potential for sustainable futures through digital innovation (x futures).

Digital technology plays a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable society. We still have much to learn about the interplay between digital technology and sustainable transformation.

With a focus on the socio-economic aspects of digital ecosystems, we gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between digital innovators and entrepreneurs, data, and knowledge as drivers of change. We guide individuals and organizations in positioning themselves for  "x futures".

Join us on our journey Towards X Futures.


Our teaching program includes courses for Bachelor, Master, and PhD students on sustainability with and through digital innovation & entrepreneurship. You will also find core IS courses, for instance on Machine Learning in our portfolio.

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Place Beyond Bytes

The Co-Creation Lab: Place Beyond Bytes offers all members of UDE a 24/7 working environment and the digital infrastructure to build data-based products and services with impact.

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We engage in research on the intersection between digital innovation and entrepeneurship, digital ecosystems, and organizing data and knowledge. Throughout our work, the team employs quantitative, qualitative, and design-oriented methods, oftentimes taking a longitudinal or multi-layered perspective.

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Information Systems and Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Latest news

 Wed, 24. Jul. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Register for our upcoming workshops for all UDE members!

Our workshops offer all UDE members the opportunity to gain new skills in the time between terms from our expert team! Visit our three-day workshops at the Place Beyond Bytes and build a foundation in programming with Python and...
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 Sun, 02. Jun. 2024   Savostina, Anna

New MSc Sustainable Innopreneurship

A new Master program for change makers, entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts, problem-solvers and go-getters with future skills...
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 Tue, 21. Mar. 2023   Rothe, Hannes

Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms

New publication in Information Systems Research
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Teaching (Winter)




Research seminar

Student projects

Teaching (Summer)




Research seminar

Master and Bachelor projects

Our partners






We are interested in responding to your concerns quickly and with great competence. This small guide will give you a quick overview of our services and relevant persons of contact:

 You would like to write a bachelor or master thesis?

Please have a look at our offers under the point Theses and get in touch with the respective contact person. Please also note the application and registration deadlines. You can find them for bachelor theses under this link and for master theses under this link.

 You have questions about our course offering?

Please have a look at the course page or contact the respective person.

 You would like to create a product or service yourself? 

Reach out to place2b (at) or schedule a meeting.

 You want to visit us and wonder about our office hours?

On our team pages you will find the office hours for each staff member. You can find us in Essen or Duisburg.