Towards X Futures

Sustainability and Innovation in Digital Ecosystems

We are dedicated to exploring the potential for sustainable futures through digital innovation (x futures).

Digital technology plays a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable society. We still have much to learn about the interplay between digital technology and sustainable transformation.

With a focus on the socio-economic aspects of digital ecosystems, we gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between digital innovators and entrepreneurs, data, and knowledge as drivers of change. We guide individuals and organizations in positioning themselves for  "x futures".

Join us on our journey Towards X Futures.

 Thu, 27. Mar 2025

3 recently accepted articles provide insights into Open-Source Abuse, Platform Signaling, and Entrepreneurship with Biodata

We share some peeks into our recently accepted papers at AOM annual conference, ICIS paper-a-thon, and CHITA conference.
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 Tue, 18. Mar 2025   Rothe, Hannes

Managing PLATFORMS & ECOSYSTEMS (Cfp HICSS minitrack)

We are delighted to invite papers and participation to our HICSS-59 minitrack on Managing Platforms & Ecosystems. The minitrack marks the eleventh installation of successful exploration of platforms and ecosystems since HICSS-49....
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 Thu, 06. Mar 2025

SUST Chair Explores Global Startup Ecosystems to Boost Ruhr Valley Innovation

Professor Rothe and team recently embarked on an intensive learning journey, visiting leading startup ecosystems in the UK and Israel to gather insights for strengthening the Ruhr Valley's innovation landscape.In Edinburgh, the...
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 Tue, 21. Mar 2023   Rothe, Hannes

Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms

New publication in Information Systems Research
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