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 Sun, 02. Jun. 2024   Savostina, Anna

New MSc Sustainable Innopreneurship

A new Master program for change makers, entrepreneurs and innovation enthusiasts, problem-solvers and go-getters with future skills...
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 Tue, 30. Apr. 2024   Savostina, Anna

Master's project from Business Informatics goes Startup Olympics!

participants and the jury of Startup Olympics cheering
Startup Olympics © Claudia Anders, EWG
Presenting your own idea, recruiting other people as part of a team and working together on the idea, questioning assumptions and constantly exploring whether the idea is even interesting in this form for the targeted stakeholders...
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 Tue, 09. Apr. 2024   Chandrakumar, Luckson

Open research aid (WHK) positions (f/d/m) at SUST Chair & Place Beyond Bytes

We are looking for a research aid (d/f/m) at the Place Beyond Bytes in Duisburg-Ruhrort or SUST Chair in Essen (Weststadttürme) These tasks are to be expected: Support the organisation and application of the new degree...
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 Tue, 21. Mar. 2023   Rothe, Hannes

Extended Generativity Theory on Digital Platforms

New publication in Information Systems Research
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